Monday 14 January 2013

Let the battle commence

So, the big day has arrived. Dad is going to take me up to hospital, check in 16:30. Many thanks for all your kind words of support, notes, presents and/or sarcastic abuse. Please do keep up the blog comments, text or e-mail....they do give me a real lift. I intend to write as many posts as I can whilst I'm in isolation, depending on how I'm day at a time. It's also fantastic to know that Len will be able to visit me, even when I'm neutropenic....the doctors are more concerned about me becoming infected from my own body than potentially any external source.

It's been a great lead in weekend for me....if I conveniently forget the disaster that is Arsenal FC and the fact that our fish tank decided to start leaking. I even got to choose my favouite meals for Saturday and Sunday (opted for skate wings and lamb chops)...little bit like being on death row I guess!! From now on it's a special menu for me....all fruit and veg needing to be cooked to within an inch of it's life to ensure no bugs (or vitamins) remain. Saying that, by all accounts I'm not likely to have much of an appetite whilst I'm in quarantine.

Deep breath, think positive, here we go.


  1. Best wishes to you, before you know it, it will be over, and you'll be on the road to recovery!

  2. Don't be surprised if you catch stuff whilst you're neutropenic Pat. it's bound to happen and probably expected.
    Get stuck in to Jeremy Kyle shows for inspiration!
    Best wishes for swift treatment and recovery , Don, Siobhan and Grace.
