Tuesday 1 January 2013

Here's to a Healthy 2013

Happy New Year to you all!

I hope you made a better attempt at getting blind drunk than my pathetic efforts.....half an ale, glass of white wine and two glasses (steady now) of champagne. That said we had a great time last night....the first New Year spent with my parents since I was about 15!
78 years old and they've still both got more stamina and energy than me!! Not only that, they were both up for a bit of midnight 'Gangnam Style', choreographed by a patient, if slightly embarrased Marcus. Ehhhhhhh.....sexy lady!!

We've had a relatively chillaxed Christmas (apart from the last minute panics associated with cooking Christmas dinner) and its been fantastic to meet up with friends over the holidays. We've enjoyed a number of Christmas get togethers with local friends and I even met up with an old university mate who I hadn't seen for the best part of 12 years. Once again, it gives myself, Len and Marcus such a lift knowing just how supportive and encouraging you all are. I'll be taking your love and positive vibes when I go into hospital on the 13th for my transplant....and I'll be taking your names in vain when I've got my head buried down the toilet after my next round of chemotheraphy!!

We wish you and your families a healthy 2013.
Much love to you all!


  1. Hope all goes well with your transplant. You seem to have such a positive attitude with humor I'm sure it will go well. Our 33 year old daughter had her transplant on Aug. 17. 17 days in the hospital, rest & regaining her energy, staying away from germs but all is well now. In november she was told she is in complete remission. She started 10mg Revelimid maintenance & is doing well. Pace yourself & keep up your sense of Humor. Good Luck!

    1. Hi Terrij. Many thanks for your supportive comments. Great to hear your daughter is doing so well. Good health to you all for 2013.

  2. With the twins at home, our New Year's Eve was prett chill, too. Didn't even pop open the bubbles. ;). Glad you had a good holiday - always thinking of you and sending healthy vibes.

  3. Patrick good to see at least your Mother & Father have the right moves :)
    I wish yourself,Lena & Marcus all the best for the New Year & keep up the good positive work for the 13th.Look forward to getting you back on the golf course this year well at least I will be guaranteed not be last then :)
    Best Wishes

  4. Warmest wishes Pat for 2013 and loads of man hugs (in a grrr sort of way).

    Big up to Lena and Marcus too - I'm sure they are helping you with your blog scripts amongst other things!

    Get yourself through the transplant and then we can have a big night out (err, not quite so big as the Crawley one ahem).

    Take it easy big fella.

  5. I'm gonna have to boycott this blog... now you went all mainstream and mentioned "Gangnam Style"

    Steve M

    1. Me and PSY have years of history mate....

  6. Impressive moves by the youngsters! Best wishes for stem cell transplant. My hubby is Chris M-Day. I guess you'll know about my lovely Andrew's battle, which was not won, but his courage and smile is always with us. Which brings me to some poetry we "wrote".You've got to have a sense of humour, when you've got a tumour, you mustn't get the hump, when you've got a lump! Also, our famous joke, for "down times" and ALL boyz out there... Why did the squirrel swim on his back? To keep his nuts dry. Seriously though, the high dose & stem cell gave Andrew remission, wasn't easy but he managed to thrash me on the Playstation every day, despite blood counts on the floor. Had a quick sleep then back to the play room. Keep positive & keep smiling. Jackie

  7. Oh and forget GCSF for improved numbers...eat Tangfastics! Well, that was our theory anyway, not a jot of scientific proof, or in fact evidence!

    1. Hi Jackie....at last, some sound advice!!

      Many thanks for your comments....you never know, maybe get to meet up with yourself and family sometime soon down in Trottiscliffe. Saying that, I haven't seen Jono for best part of 5 years, so we shouldn't hold our breaths.
