Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Jubilee weekend

Good Jubilee weekend, out for a barbee on Saturday night with good friends up the road. Great food, few cheeky beverages, but most importantly, managed to beat their 14 year old son at table football. See, I've still got it......that ugly competitve streak that you should maturely put to one side when you're playing sport with children. Does table football actually count as a sport?

Anyway, street party yesterday and we got lucky with the weather. Thanks to the organisers for a great afternoon of good laughs, food and drink, really enjoyed by fam Hoban. For those late night revellers, don't feel guilty about keeping me awake until one in the morning with the music, I'll have plenty of time to catch up on sleep in the coming months... 

On a more serious note, I had a good chat today with a good friend of mine who's in the medical profession. She'd spoken to a colleague of hers who's a myeloma expert. Reassurring to know that the doctor overseeing my treatment is well respected in the 'myeloma' world. We spoke a little more about one of the potential side effects of the 'Velcade', the chemotherapy drug I'll be taking, called peripheral neuropathy. It's felt as a numbness, tingling or burning sensation of the skin, or pain in your hands or feet. Hopefully one I'll avoid, as it could result in a change to the treatment, but will need to remain very aware of it.

Hope you all had a great Jubilee weekend and enjoyed the British summer at its finest..

1 comment:

  1. So most important of all, how will that affect your swing ?
