Friday, 8 June 2012

Difficult morning

Difficult morning today. Had to copy the doctors letters for the health services department at work. Decided to read the detail in one of the latest letters regarding my diagnosis.....yep I know, why hadn't I done that already? Being scared and putting myself into unnecessary worry overdrive is the only answer I've got. Anyway, the words 'consistent with multiple myeloma stage IIIA' hit me hard. I've been thinking up until today that my symptoms are consistent with stage I. I apologies if that sounds really naive, but I genuinely thought that was the case. Reading details on the internet can be a real disaster area (the 'myeloma equals death' site was a real boost to my confidence, and one I shall cherish during my low moments), so I tend not to.

Thankfully, my lovely wife and her best Swedish mate got to work on some more trusted sites, and quickly got back to me with some facts and reassurance. I won't go into details here, but I luv um both for setting me back on the right course this morning. So, the moral of that story......well, I can't think of one....but at least I've got more than 8 hours to live, which is a bonus!!

As another close friend has said,' don't focus on the prognosis, it is ultimately the mind that heals the body'. This is hopefully another lesson learnt through experience......I no doubt have a lot of lessons to learn during this journey. A fight is there to be won so role on Monday and the start of my chemotherapy.

Oh yes, a number of people have asked about difficulty in posting comments (see, I knew it wasn't just the fact that I've got no mates). Only thing you need to do is go into the Google homepage, select 'Sign In', which allows you to 'Sign Up'. Use your own e-mail address, put in a password and this will allow you to create an account and post a comment. If this doesn't work, text me or perhaps I'll set up a Facebook page...

Have a good weekend!

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