Sunday, 10 June 2012

I've reached the starting line...

Congratulations Mr Hoban, you've reached the starting line. All kicks off tomorrow with my first cycle of chemotherapy. I actually haven't been overly concerned today as I've been really trying to stay focused in the now and not think too much about tomorrow. Sometimes it seems easy, sometimes much harder, but I'll keep practicing because I know this approach will keep me less anxious, more positive and more in control over what's ahead.

I know during my last post I spoke about being in stage IIIA, but to balance that, it's important to note that my vital stats are currently looking healthy. The full skeletal survey and PET scans revealed no additional tumours or other sites of active desease (external to my bone marrow). My liver and kidney function are normal, calcium levels normal and my heart 'unremarkable' (the story of my life!)......don't know what all the fuss is about really.

A massive thank you to you all for your cards, e-mails, texts and thoughtful words offering support and encouragement, it's made a massive difference to my outlook and approach to all of this. Without you folk, this would be a lot tougher and I'll take all that positive energy with me tomorrow.

So, tomorrow it is, the start of the medical part of my fight back. Not sure how I'll react, but that's for tomorrow. Might even be good news if it knocks me out for 24 hours, saves watching England being slaughtered by the French in the Euro' that's postive thinking for you!!

1 comment:

  1. Billy, Lena & Marcus, Hopefully the blogging is good therapy, and while we figuring out how to post comments here, we´re thinking about you, stay strong!
