Saturday 8 December 2012

Two Eventful Days

Back at home now after two eventful days in hospital. I say two, in fact one eventful day and one lounging in bed trying to get some sleep. I actually ended up staying in one of the isolation rooms that will be my home for a month, come January. It proved to be a real reality check....but a positive one and definitely something that I feel will better prepare me for what's to come. It really brought home the position I'm in, and just how vulnerable I'm going to be during the transplant process.

How much is that doggie in the window? The one with the balding head!!
But that's then, for now it was rise 'n' shine at 06:00 on day one with observations, followed by a trip to the imaging department for the insertion of my Hickman line. I guess surgeons have to explain to patients what could go wrong with any operation before you sign on the dotted line, but I must admit, it does somewhat destroy the romance of those 'pre op' moments!! Anyway, things went well, in fact the most distressing part of the whole procedure was having to listen to the crap 1970's jazz the surgeon insisted on blasting out the whole time.....well that and the foam slippers I had to wear!! So, the Hickman line is now in and it will be used for the administration of all IV drugs and taking blood until my transplant is complete.

Wifey was there to welcome me back to my room, and it was great to have her around for the rest of the day. Treatment continued with hydration through a saline drip for 3 hours in preparation for the etoposide chemotherapy. For all those die hard Harry Potter fans out there, an interesting fact. Etoposide is made from the mandrake plant. It's no longer used to cure those who have been petrified, but is used in the treatment of many different types of cancer by stopping the cancer cells from dividing. I didn't even get to hear it scream before it was mass processed and shoved in a syringe!! Anyway, the etoposide took ten hours to administer, finishing around 2 o' clock Thursday morning. I was once again very fortunate with regard to the immediate side effects, only really feeling nauseous towards the very end of the treatment. Well, some call it fortunate....others (ma east side bruvers) would say well hard....innit!! After that I was carefully monitored (read kept awake) through till around 8ish....hence day 2 trying to get some sleep.

With all my blood counts, electrolytes and vital stats stable, I was let out for good behaviour at round ten last night. So, back home now and I even managed to administer my growth hormone injection this morning. For someone who never used to like needles, life has moved on....however, still a little disappointed that Len didn't give me a brave sticker...or lolly pop. I've been very tired today and at times feeling quite sick, but the drugs I've been given have kept things under control. I'm also very concious and wary of my Hickman line, but I've now got some time at home to get used to caring for it.

Just to finish this blog entry, one thing has really impressed me over the last few days. I know it shouldn't surprise, but the friendliness, attentiveness, knowledge and over all professionalism of the ward staff was second to none. After my experience at Hammersmith last Wednesday, this was massively reassuring. Feeling sick again now, so back to bed for's that for a wild Friday night!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow.... well hard. Hey a brave sticker/lolly wouldn't give you justice..... . best of luck Sir... In our thoughts etc ...:-)x
