Saturday 15 September 2012

Cycle five

Well, cycle five of my treatment has turned out to be more …what do you say….’challenging’ than previous cycles, both on a physical and mental level. Last weekend proved to be not my finest hour, as my continuing back pain (hangover from the Barcelona trip) compounded the feeling of steroid withdrawal, and made for what one could only describe as….err….a mess. I know the side effects will accumulate and there is clearly a build up, however this felt like a more significant step change. I was probably taken a bit by surprise, which meant I was less able to maintain my more usual levels of control and patience. Some might see this as a positive development when compared to my more typical male trait of total emotional immaturity and detachment, but judging by the tension it caused in the family household…probably not. So, to put it simply, I was moody, angry, and generally a bit of a pain in the arse.

Len tried in vain to maintain a Princess Fiona demeanour, as compared to my more Shrek like approach. I must say, on the positive side, with Marcus out dragon boat racing for the day, it did enable me and Len to get some concerns and feelings off our chests that had clearly been bubbling up for a period of time. As always, on his return, a few carefully selected words from Marcus seemed to diffuse the situation…….'Dad, you really are just a getting a bit old and manky'!! Getting old and manky...that ship sailed a while ago mate!!

Anyway, change of subject. I’ve written several times commenting on the amazing support and encouragement I’ve received from everyone, and what a real eye opener it's been for me over the last few months. It’s re-confirmed just how important close friends and family are, especially when thrown this kind of challenge. It’s also given me a bit of a kick start, to put more effort into meeting up with friends, where previously there just didn’t seem to be the time. You know, for whatever reason …life just seems to get in the way…..ok, let’s blame it on the’s all their fault!! Anyway, had a fantastic time meeting up again with two of my oldest ‘bruvs’ the other day, chance to reminisce, take the piss and have some wholesome, totally un PC conversations.  

Finally, picking up on a number of ‘deeply personal’ comments following my last blog entry, I thought it was worth clearing the air….and my sexual orientation, by including the following ‘full context’ photo of my T shirt. Hope this restores some faith in my manhood (probably not)……and for the avoidance of doubt, it was a San Miguel top, not shandy….that’s how hard I am!!

Looking at it, 'Sugar Puff's really isn't that much better!!

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