Thursday, 1 November 2012

Happy days

Just got off the phone to my consultant (yes....he called at 6:30pm) and he had good news from the biopsy last week. In his words 'only residual myeloma cells remained in the marrow, so the Velcade is doing its job'. He was very encouraged by the results. All remains on plan and cycle eight will now be spread over four weeks (one injection per week), starting next Monday, with the aim of keeping my paraprotein count stable until the stem cell transplant.

So, it's a happy family Hoban tonight. Still a long way to go, but's time for a celebratory beer!!


  1. Great news Pat - well earned beer I think!

  2. Hooray. Cheers and best wishes coming from the Walder house!

  3. Looks like you just pulled some negative g .....Hope you managed to keep the beer down.
