Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Chapter Two Begins

Another brief update before we go and meet the transplant team up at Hammersmith hospital this afternoon. Yesterday, following my 1st injection of cycle 8, we had confirmation of the biopsy results from my consultant. The residual myeloma cell count is currently 10%, down from the 25% I had following diagnosis. He again re-emphasised that this was a good response,  and importantly proved that my myeloma is chemo sensitive. The plan remains to have one injection of Velcade per week, which will take me to the end of November, at which point I will be handed over to Hammersmith for the work up tests, stem cell harvesting and transplant. I assume we will be given more details for each of these three phases this afternoon.

Talking high-dose therapy and autologous stem cell transplantation, I read through the infoguide provided by MyelomaUK yesterday. I've been putting it off because, a) I wanted to focus on the current phase of my treatment rather than rushing ahead, and b) quite frankly I knew I'd find the whole transplant process quite daunting. Yes, I am very worried.....not so much from a physical side effects perspective, but more due to a fear of the unknown....how will I react, how mobile will I be, what if things don't go to plan etc. Reading through the booklet was of course necessary, but it did make me quite upset. Thinking about the two new chemotherapy treatments that form part of the transplant process and the effects of the high-dose therapy was one thing, but the booklet also provide an overview of the enormous physical and emotional strain that we can expect, the recovery period at home and the long-term effects of this treatment, such as organ damage and secondary cancers.

But as I've said before, I can handle all of this, I will continue to fight the fight and I have complete trust and confidence in the medical team that are looking after me. I'll give you further details on the transplant process and plan sometime over the next few days (when my heart beat has dropped below 150ppm).

Just to wrap up, the side effects from the Velcade continue to build up. I've noticed more definite bone pain, increased overall numbness and fatigue as well as signs of peripheral neuropathy in my fingers and toes. I've also noted that my previous, almost non-existent, muscle tone has become non-existent, and as a result I've started to do more daily strengthening exercises (as clearly just lifting pint glasses is not working for me). Please note, for anyone thinking of taking advantage of this weakened physical state to bully me, I ask you to consider my current emotional condition before doing so. Thinking about it, that would probably just encourage you!!


  1. Yeah,Chinese burns for you my boy!!!! Ha Ha. Love Nicky

  2. Right so this is the big one, no matter how you look at this its not that funny. Our job is to try and help you through this so let us know what is required, basically you sing and we will dance. We are ready and willing to extend the full range of Internet entertainment during your time in solitary confinement. Sorry to slip into sentimental rambling have given myself a good talking to and by tomorrow will be fully on board with the merciless piss taking. Sending good vibes and good wishes. Xx
