Saturday, 4 August 2012

Rubbish Night

Well, what a rubbish night that was!! Struggled to sleep, so at 4:00am thought I'd put on the 'Olympics Tonight' programme recorded earlier....what a mistake!! Now, call me old fashioned, but I thought the whole idea of a highlights programme was to actually see the days highlights.....oh how wrong I was....soppy traditionalist clearly. 80% of the programme was spent in the studio with Gaby Logan having random chats with ex olympians (not that I mind our Gabs), the other 20% covered various slow motion, close up, randomly sequenced, reverse angle, fish bowl, sepia shots of the actual events. To top it all, every highlight was preceeded with our Gabs commenting 'we join the race in the later stages'.....yeh, when the result was already clear!! Just tell us the result next time and don't bother with any highlights....much quicker. Programme turned off at 4:30, eventually calmed down around 5:30am.

Oh well.....composure recovered, I'm now looking forward to 'joining the race in the later stages' of the mens 100 meters in tonights highlights programme!!

1 comment:

  1. No sympathy from us I'm afraid, we are watching it all on Eurosport in German. The coverage is decidedly patchy, they have just cut away from the tennis in favour of weightlifting!! Argh!
