Monday, 20 August 2012

"I was expecting a much bigger needle..."

Marcus came with us to the hospital today....thought we'd show him where Daddy gets tortured!! He seemed a little disillusioned and let down by the whole experience.....'I was expecting a much bigger needle'. No screaming or blood splattering on the walls...what kind of show are they running here!! Our good parenting techniques have clearly worked well, with copious amounts  of compassion and empathy on full display.

You know what.....he was great!! Important to recognise that this is the same boy who came up and put his arm around my shoulder the other day, coz he could see that I was a bit down...That meant alot....that meant an incredible amount!

That said, after coming to terms with the lack of gore, he did proceed to entertain himself trying to make Dad as uncomfortable as possible, experimenting on the potential for breaking human bones using only a firm mattress and electrical bed motors.

My consultant was very positive about my paraprotein levels. Having come in to see me, (and following the now customary golf lesson) he confirmed that progress was ahead of schedule and was very happy that I'm continuing to react well to treatment, not only in the reduced paraprotein levels, but with my vital blood counts holding up and manageable side effects. One more injection on Thursday, then thats cycle four ticked off!!


  1. By the look of that door and the wooden flooring I presume you’ve stage the whole thing in somebody’s living room. I understand Marcus’s confusion, take him down to the London dungeons next time.
    Must say you’re looking good and sounding positive.. keep that up. BR/Keith

    1. Funny you mention London Dungeons mate...we generally keep him chained up in his bedroom while we're up at the hospital.

  2. Love reading your posts. I laugh every time. You must be feeling well to write such funny stuff. We are thinking of you all the time, and when we don't see a post for a while we assume (rightly so, it seems) that no news is good news. Keep up the good levels happy to hear such positive news. Love, Jill

    1. Appreciate your comments Jill. Humour will help me get through this....and besides, I've got stiff competition from you guys. Take care and thinking of you.
