Sunday 19 May 2013

The Return of the Chicken Pox

Well, just when I thought there was nothing of interest to tell you, other than my new crop of 'baby down' soft hair, and me becoming the family lap dog of choice as a result, it all kicks off.

I popped into town with Marcus yesterday morning to buy him a new pair of astro turfs from everyones favourite shop, Sports Direct, and all seemed fine. Got back home and asked Len to look at what I thought might be a scratch or a bit of post teenage acne on my back. She found a clump of blisters, which obviously set alarm bells ringing, so after a chat with the on-call haematologist at Hammersmith, she decided I needed to get to A&E. So, after spending what felt like seven hours (oh, hang on, it was seven hours) at Hammersmith A&E yesterday, I was admitted to hospital with shingles. I'm now back in the same isolation ward where I had my transplant, and on an antiviral IV. They're obviously very keen to get on top of it quickly, as I'm still very much immune deficient only being four months post transplant. I'm in good hands and could be here for a week or so, depending on how well I respond to the drugs. Hopefully we've caught it fairly early, which helps alot with the treatment of shingles. What triggered it.....who knows....just pushing things a little too hard at this stage perhaps. It's frustrating, my head's telling me I'm fine and can return to a normal lifestyle.....maybe this is my body just telling me to calm it a little. As a good mate said, make like the rabbit in the Cadburys caramel advert... just take it easy!

Anyway, just to top off what was a thoroughly shite day, what more could one wish for other than a parking ticket......I am living that dream baby.....well, living the dream minus £50 anyway!!


  1. My daughter takes Valtrex which she was prescribed prior to & post transplant to help ward off Shingles.

  2. Could have added you to our London Hospital visit schedule yesterday if we'd have known. Was in the Royal London yesterday celebrating the 48th birthday of a footie mate who had a heart attack on Thursday. And this is a guy who's done 35 triathlons and half a dozen marathons....Stress seems to be the root cause so keep making rabbit noises is also my advice. Not sure if your view is as spectacular as the 13th floor over there, suspect not.

  3. Oh man, that sucks. Hope now the week's nearly over you're feeling much better and are resting at home. Eddie and Katy say "ah bah bah da" which translates loosely into "chin up, mate."
