Sunday 26 May 2013

Back Home Again

Back at home again, after five days in the big H. The blisters on my back had started to heal, so I was sent packing on Thursday evening. I'm still on high dose anti viral tablets for the next week, by which time hopefully the blisters will have fully scabbed over (hope you're not eating whilst reading this!!). The right side of my torso is still very sensitive and a little painful at times, but there have been no new outbursts of blisters and the doctors have said I was lucky to catch it early and start treatment so soon.

As far as my biopsy results are concerned, still no news from the pathologists lab...will hopefully hear something next week. I'm starting to get impatient,  it's been over three weeks since the biopsy and I usually get the results after a week and a half. Anyway, for the time being I will live off the positive results from my PET scan. It showed no new tumour sites and confirmed the plasmacytoma on my sternum has dramatically reduced...some great news!!

So, getting back to the I said previously,  I'll take it as a 'gentle reminder' from my body that I am still only four months out from a stem cell transplant. Out I go to cut the grass then!!

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