Friday 30 November 2012

Warning Graphic Content

Had my final velcade injection on Monday, great in many respects, but a little strange knowing that's it for my regular Monday and Thursday visits to Coombe ward. They've become part of my weekly routine over the last 6 month.....and old folk like their routines!!

                                    If the needle doesn't make you squeamish, the hairy arm will!

                                             The staff really enjoyed my handcrafted cake.
                                                      New career in cake decorating?

The rest of this week's been a mixed bag of blood tests, viral tests, heart scans and urine samples. All preparation for the start of my stem cell mobilisation next week, which kicks off with the installation of a central line and chemo on next Wednesday.

Must admit, I was more than a little dissappointed with Wednesdays visit to Hammersmith. Having supposedly arranged everything the previous friday, no one seemed to know who I was or what I was doing at the hospital when I arrived. The complete lack of co-ordination continued for the whole of the time I was there. The whole experience did little to inspire me with confidence and actually left me feeling really low....yesterday was not a good day as a result....I'm actually worried enough as it is thanks.

Ok, that's enough hospital bashing for now. Needless to say, I will be calling my consultant today to make him aware of my first impressions, with the that it won't be repeated on my next visit. Not in a threatening way, but in a 'people deserve to be treated better' way. After all, this isn't some minor procedure I'm going to be put through and I am really worried about what lies ahead.

Off to Kingston hospital now to hand in my 24 hr urine sample.....lucky them!! If I was taking it back to Hammersmith, I would have eaten asparagus last night, just to spite them!!


  1. Knowing what a wuss you are about having blood taken I suspect that's high on your list of worst bits of the whole process. For us silver card blood donors its a yawn....

    Don't let the vagaries of the NHS spoil the fun, just try and extract maximum value out of all the tax you've paid.

  2. If you think that is bad.... you want to try getting 'the snip' done down at West Mid... that IS a very worrying experience I can assure you

    Steve M

  3. Sounds like you got a Ryanair experience....stay with BA. :-)
