Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Race for Life

Well, my on going 'allergy' to suncream has really come into it's own over the last week or so. Basting myself with Clover (even though it is lovingly made with buttermilk) just doesn't appeal, so it's long sleeved shirts and a rimmed hat for me for the time being!!

Saying that, things are all good with family Hoban at the moment. Marcus took part in the Race for Life run by his school a couple of weeks ago. He came 4th in the 5k race (out of just over 100 runners) in an amazing time of 18 mins 45 secs, and in doing so raised some funds for a very worthy cause (as well as beating a teacher in the final sprint finish). Hopefully he also drew some attention with his bright orange MyelomaUK t-shirt. I actually found it quite moving when I saw what he'd written on his race bib.

Anyway, as the supportive parent I am, I couldn't hang around to watch Marcus sweat it out on the recreation fields of Teddington school...left that to Len!! I had a boys weekend relaxing on the canals of Warwickshire with my brother and friends planned. We hadn't all met up for a number of years, so it was great to catch up with the guys....all still looking so if they'd just left university....unbelievable!! Well, it was certainly a relaxing weekend, plenty of experienced long boat captains on hand to confidently guide us through the myriad of locks, which seemed to pop up all too frequently. Guess that goes hand in hand with building a canal on a hill....who's bloody stupid idea was that!! I had a fantastic couple of days and even managed to recover from the trauma of having all the locals (including the barmaid) laugh at me for ordering a pint of lager shandy at the first pub we stopped in. My follow up order of half a lager shandy was even less well received....real ale country up in those parts!!

So, what else is new. Well, I'm settling into work more now. It's taken a bit of time to get used to the whole idea, having had seven months off post transplant. My body is starting to adapt and I'm less tired now when I get back from work than I was for the first few weeks. I must say, both British Airways and my work colleagues have been really supportive and patient the whole time. It's made my treatment a lot easier to deal with and enabled me to focus on my health rather than worrying about other issues. For that I am eternally grateful!!

Health wise I'm now back at Kingston hospital for on going blood tests and monitoring. I'm feeling well and certainly starting to sleep better and feel more 'normal' in myself. The skin itchiness has almost gone as well, so life is far more comfortable. With my increasing strength has come an improving social life, and it's been great to get out more and meet up with friends and family. It all helps to bring back some much needed normality to family life.....that's if you can classify our friends and family as normal!! I'm not saying a word.

Took this shot when some deer invaded the green
 whilst I was attempting some much needed chipping practice.
More than makes up for the dodgy golf!!

1 comment:

  1. The hat is very Manchester dance scene.... sorted

    Steve M
