Friday, 14 December 2012

Kitchen Appliances on Strike

Just when I was looking forward to an uneventful week of growth hormone injections and bone pain, our boiler and fridge freezer decided to get in on the act and stop playing the game.....well, stop working. Oh how we laughed on Tuesday when the boiler went bang, on conveniently the coldest morning of the year so far. To acuse the fridge freezer of not working is a little unfair, it was only the door hinge that decided to break. Anyway, the situation was cooly recovered and both were up and running the following no real need to feel sorry for can if you want though!!

Anyway, I'm now looking forward to the weekend, with two injections a day and supposedly more severe bone pain, in preparation for the stem cell harvest on Monday. Saying that, the pain so far hasn't been an issue, just more of an annoyance at night time. In fact, probably more of an annoyance for Len, keeping her awake with my constant twisting and turning...mixed with the occasional heart wrenching sigh!! What I am looking forward to is hopefully watching Marcus play football on Saturday and'll take my mind off the disappointment of being an Arsenal fan right now!!

Have a great weekend you'all.


  1. I thought Arsenal were doing well this year , already 1 point ahead of Swansea & Norwich and only have the season gone...../Keith

  2. Not sure why I wrote “have the season” instead of “half the season” on that last comment. Lets call it dyslexia not just the fact that I’m obviously stupid... /Keith

    1. There you go - into 5th already.
      At least you're not a Liverpool fan. Cheers!!

    2. I'd already decided on the later Keith!! Have a great Christmas mate.
