Sunday 3 March 2013

Another week

Another week slips by and though my skin remains sensitive and itchy, things have really improved over the past few days. The itching is more of an occasional annoyance now, like having flees, rather than torture! My face has fully returned to its former glory and I'm sleeping at night, be it still with the aid of sleeping tablets.

My blood results on Wednesday were pretty much unchanged from the previous weeks, but in myself I'm feeling much stronger. I've even been out on my bike in Richmond park, which considering where I was just a few weeks ago, feels like a huge step forward. I've also now moved to fortnightly reviews with my consultant, so I'm not due back at Hammersmith until 12th March.

So, everything is still moving in the right direction. I even had my first foreign bodies (visitors) in the house this parents popped in together with my brother, who came over from Sweden for a flying visit....great to see them adverse health reactions so far!!


  1. Great to hear all things going in the right direction Pat!
    Hope all are well in the Hoban House

  2. Mr. Hoban you been through mill! Great to see you recovering though slow. Hope all well at Home. Eaman

  3. I wished u well, Patrick!

  4. I chanced upon your blog and I can feel your pain as I was also diagnosed with osteosacorma! Wish you recover well and soon, supporting you!
